How Does Cooling Blanket Work and How to Keep Cool all Night Without Air Conditioning?
The Principle of a Cooling Blanket A cooling blanket is a sleep product made from special materials designed to create a cooling sensation. It provides a more comfortable sleep experience in summe...

Is cooling Blanket Really Worked and How to Choose a Suitable One for Me?
Why you need a cooling blanket? A good night's rest is crucial not only for maintaining your health but also for ensuring high efficiency in your work and life the next day. However, in summer, the...

Which side of the blanket should I touch, and can I put it directly against my skin?
You may be interested in Elegear cooling blanket and have many questions. We collect many questions from our customers and today we will share the answers with you. Which side of the blanket should...

When is it Safe for Baby to Sleep with Blanket & What Should We Do to Keep Them Safe?
When is it safe for baby sleep with blanket? According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), blankets are suitable for healthy infants from 12 months old, and are ideal for infants 18 months and...

The Recommended Coolest Blanket of Consumer Report-- Elegear Revolutionary Cooling Blanket
This is a review from consumer report and we are glad to share it with you! Elegear Revolutionary Cooling Blanket Photo: Consumer Reports The Elegear Revolutionary Cooling Blanket remained the coo...

Everything you want to know about Elegear Arc-chill cooling blanket and Q max Fabric
Elegear's Arc-Chill cooling technology is designed to create a comfortable, cool sleeping environment by leveraging the Q-max value—a measure of how cool a fabric feels. With five levels of Arc-Chi...

Review: A Cool Cooling Blanket for Hot Summer Nights Arc-chill Extreme Q Max 0.5
We want to share an honest review with you to let you know Elegear Arc-chill Cooling Blanket in an objective and true view. She is Nicole Mölders, here is what she feels. Thermal Comfort and Sleep ...